Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The New Duncan Family Baby! My 1st NB in studio!

This was the Duncan Family I did this evening. This family was tons of fun. I have to say it started out stressful but ended up perfect by the end. I haven't officially told the world yet but a natural light studio is in the works starting this winter. Time to get this stuff out of my house! Dont Worry DC parents I am still not going anywhere, just getting a more professional setup for this booming biz. Its going to be located on the acre that I am converting for seniors and events. I still have the studio in my home and well I went to pardees today to replace some new lights that I just bought last week that were damaged. Well got them replaced and on my way back home this afternoon as planned. Get home just in time for the Duncan shoot only to find out that their replacement didn't work again! I was so upset. Not only do I have a NB coming any minute but I have no studio lighting to do the shoot. Well I had a few tricks in my bag and made it all work with some old equipment and this is our end results. So stressful at the beginning and perfect work by the end. This baby I am going to say is one of the best babies I have ever had. I have only had one other baby like this one. They are so much fun when the are out like a light. Well take a look and more is on my site under the new pictures and babies tab.

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