Monday, November 10, 2008

Tad and Nicole's Fairytale Wedding!

All I can say is OMG! This was the most amazing experience I have had in a long time. Nicole is a daycare client of mine and a friend. When she said simple low key wedding- Well.... Not quiet. For simple this was one of the best weddings I have ever been to. Words cant describe the emotion that took place on this day. All I can say as I feel it all over again as I look Thru the images every time. It was just me on this event due to it being a "Simple Wedding" I took my good friend and professional photographer Jessica Cole along as an assistant for the day. I needed help and she wanted to see just what these wedding events are all about! Well Nic and Tad couldn't have had a better staff for the day. I felt like we were running all day long and never had time to capture the little things. Well looking back thru all these images I do have to say we caught all the little things. This family didn't need any posed shots to see the love that this family has for each other. As you will see in this small preview this family and this event was more than magical. Right in the middle of group pictures the rain came in. Oh my- but the even better we got a rainbow in return. It all worked out in the end and I so excited to put these thousands of images into this families hands as it will be a day set in history never to forget. Do you know how hard it was to pick my favorite 100 for the site!!!! That is a horrible things to do to somebody- sorry to all my clients who I give too many darn choices. I feel your pain. Thanks Jessica again for all your help. Without you the event wouldn't have went so flawless. Another amazing event that melts my heart! This is why I do what I do!
To see my fav 100 vistit my new site @

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