Monday, February 2, 2009

{ I am officially back to shooting and ready for an awesome 2009 }

I have been off for January as I had a large job to complete. Well the job is done for the most part and I am back to what I love doing best for my clients- capturing your priceless moments. Today was my 1st day back and I have shoots everyday. What a week. Yikes!
Thanks to everyone of my clients who made 2008 a wonderful 1st year in business. The studio is still in the works, it is still in engineering and hopefully will have a GO here really soon. I am all ready with the plans and supplies. I am SO excited to get it going. This year is going to be absolutely amazing I already know it. I have just launched my Wedding site. It still has a few minor things I need to add but for the most part it's done. I will be launching a hip new senior site in a few weeks. I really feel like the emotion you get from each of those sites are so very different that they really needed their very own site and style. Thanks so much to all my clients and all you have done to support me and my new business. We are off to Disney Land for a week from the 8-14th. If anyone needs assistance the business will still be running while I am gone and I am avaliable via email if you need me personally.
{ Here's to a wonderful 2009! }

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